Dark Mode
  • Wednesday, 12 March 2025


Just be, let it be, may it be; as it was, so has it been. You are not the first, and you will not be the last. Are you trying so hard to do what everyone else doing? Don’t you know that everyone else is doing what they were meant to do? Why don’t you do yours? Yes, you could be right or wrong; but it doesn’t matter. What matters is what you want to be. Every story has its scars, and every stain has its own story. No mountain is too high to climb, just as no river is too deep to swim. whatever you want to do, someone else has done it; all you can do is to do more or less. Don’t act like you don’t already know this, but be reminded that you are your own remedy. Don’t mess around, because what goes around comes around. Nonetheless, if you are not satisfied with what you do, what others do will never satisfy you. Do what you like, and don’t expect likes in return.

Death is a sure thing for everyone, because nobody is leaving this earth alive. Why then are you afraid to die? You should be more afraid of living, for it is not easy to keep living. Do all you must do, and leave the rest to rest. Fight because you have to, and not because people are fighting. We all know that living is hard, but it is a battle that nobody wins in the end. You can only try your best, for even beasts die too. Of course, the world is scary and filled with sickness; but you are reminded to live without regrets. Live to not forget, and love to not regret; live to make a difference because you are different. Never you believe that what happened to others will happen to you. Be strong and believe that you will survive what slain others, for victors emerge when the vanquished fall. Yes, even you shall die; but before you die, you have to live. Don’t wait in vain, but take your time; so that you will not be pained when your time is up. Surely it must happen, as it happened to all before you; so shall it be for all that comes after you. It is not how long, but how well. Thus, try your best to live well; because nobody dies well. There’s nothing sweet about death, only sorrow. Yet, death is not the end; so, let your soul be at peace.

I desire, you desire, and we all desire. What I desire may not be what you desire, because desires are different. We all desire differently, because feelings are different. Fortunately and unfortunately, not all desires come true. If all desires come true, many will not be alive today; because many desires that many dies with their desires. All the differences make life difficult, because desires clash with desires. If you desire to be king, another has that same desire. So, if not you, it will be another. Why then are you pained? How sure are you that it is your destiny to be king? Who draws destinies? Why not be happy for another? That it is not you, doesn’t mean that fate failed you. You only know your destiny, when you become it. If you don’t become it, it was not meant to be you. Nevertheless, never say never; keep you desire alive while you live. You can become it, if you believe it and work to become it. You can do it. Till you don’t, keep trying, because you are only human; but don’t let your desire destroy you. The problem with every human is greed; people want to become great at all cost, not minding what is costs them and others. In a like manner, you have to be mindful of what you do; you mustn’t be vile to be victorious. Don’t be evil, because you want everything; nobody can have everything. All you have will be gone when you are gone, for you are not God. Don’t keep others uncomfortable because you want to be comfortable. You mustn’t be greedy to be great, for greed is evil. What you have can kill you, be careful of what you desire.

Don’t despair because of your desires. It is alright to desire, but wrong to be desperate. While you think about yourself, think about others too; because you are never alone. Yes, you desire that it happens, but if it doesn’t happen, don’t despair. There is a reason why it didn’t happen, and that reason could be in your best interest. Sometimes, the universe saves us without us knowing. Instead of worrying, keep working and praying. One day, what you desire may come true. Be it as it may be, failure and success are just mindsets. If you believe that you have failed, that’s when you become a failure. Success can come as a surprise, because life is a gamble. One day can be for you, and another day can be against you. The same people that love, also hate. You can be successful at many things, and fail at many things as well; for the intrigue is also interesting. When it comes true for you, enjoy; and when it doesn’t, endure. Time controls everything for everyone. Without the past, what’s the essence of the present? Don’t only pray because of pain, pray to praise; for none really knows what the future holds in her hands.

Destinies are different, just as our faces are different. Just do yours, let others do theirs; your time shall come. Remember, you only know your destiny when you become it. Pick up your feelings, nobody needs it. What you feel matters to only you, because nobody can feel it as you do. Don’t let social media drive you to suicide, because everyone shares their successes; while their struggles remain a secret. Without suffering, there is no success. If it is easy for you, it is because someone worked hard to make it easy for you. Yes, you can be rich if your family is rich; but someone in your family worked hard for it to be that way. Your parents can pave way for you to be successful; but you have to be serious, if you want that success to remain in you path. You must do you part, if you want your lineage to keep partying; and they too must do theirs to keep the party on. Success can be successive; but you must survive, sustain and succeed as well. History is littered with empires that rose and fell; rich families that later became poor, and poor families that later became rich. If it doesn’t happen in your time, it can happen in one of your future generations. Your parents’ destiny is different from yours, and your destiny is different from that of your children. It is never enough to have it. The real question is: can you can maintain the status quo? If you do, can your children do? Reality is never ideal; you can lose what you got, the same way it came. Never forget that too much can never be enough. Money and success travel very fast; they can come to you, and they can go from you. No matter how run it, another can ruin it; stay honest and humble.

Dream is ideal, but you can make it a reality, if you work for it. So, wake up from your sleep and don’t slumber, because success never sleeps. Be about your business, stay away from the businesses of others if they don’t involve you; and keep others away from your business. Dreams don’t die by themselves if you remember them; but you can kill them, and others can kill them for you too. We are in a wicked world, remember that; and don’t be weak. You can make a million today, lose a million today, and owe a million tomorrow. Protect your peace of mind at all cost, for that is the secret of prosperity. Stay sane no matter what, for that is how you can save yourself from the stresses of sickness and suffering. Never say that it can never happen to you. Remember, it is not a dream, if don’t remember it. Be at alert and stay awake, because money and success don’t sleep. Importantly, always hope for the best and not the worst, because your mind constructs what it conceives. If you don’t drive your dream, you may never reach your destiny.

Dearly Beloved, nothing will take away struggles. No matter the money, success and situation; everyone battles pains per time. Life is in phases, face it; because the struggle is endless. If you survive one, another will surface. All you can wish is that the new struggle becomes less painful than the last. Death, desire, despair, destiny and dream are the drivers of life; so, deal with them. Never forget, you are never alone; God dey.



X: @Victorviri


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