Keep playing and praying!
Never stop rolling the dice, till you die. No matter the outcomes, keep playing. Success is not measured by one-time achievement, neither is failure considered till you conquer. Every day that you see the sun, the moon or the stars; remember that your work here on earth is not done. Whenever you sleep at night, pray that God grant you the grace to see another day. Don’t feel entitled, the life you have is a precious gift; never forget that. Once you have life, you have the leverage to keep living. Never give up, never settle for the average, never be proud of your achievements; everything fades with time. Buckle up and hustle hard, if you’re not there yet, you will get there in due time. Never think that you have arrived; for whatever you think that you have achieved, many have them and many will still have more. Is it money or success? They are both endless and never enough. Be happy and humble; for the sweet things in life, are the small things.
Are you rich or successful? How do you handle your accomplishments? What impact have you made in the lives of others? Never let your blessing be a curse on others. If you are blessed, bless others. If you are rich, never forget the poor. We are here for all of us. What is the essence of a gift, if not to gift the same to others? Do you believe in humanity? Yes, you might have made it. Now, help others who are worthy and ready to make it. Only a selfish human, with a wicked heart, boasts of being self-made. Nobody is self-made. People tend to forget to thank others for the help they received on their way to the top, while some evil people want to play god when they get to the top. Don’t worry about boastful people, they crash down as fast as they climbed. Reaching the top is not the end, because staying up is a continuous process; and nobody stays up without the help of others. People make, remake and unmake people. You’re nobody without others. Thus, be human and stay humble; because dice never stop rolling.
Mirror in the sun, cock crow at dawn; nemesis at night. What is good today, could be bad tomorrow. Read the bible always, for there’s an endless wisdom therein. Pride is of the devil, that’s why proud people always fall. Sunrise to sunset, success smiles upon all souls; both good and evil. God is never sentimental, for he blesses both your friends and your enemies as well. You may be lucky today, unlucky tomorrow, lucky or unlucky the days after. But none of the turn-ins or turn-ups matter, what matters is that you never quit doing your best every single time; for even you can be lucky every time. Yes, there are privileged souls who are lucky every time, but they are rare to find. Sometimes, you pass them on the road and never know, because most successful people walk in silence, while their successes speak for them. If you don’t know, you don’t know, till you know; you know nothing. If you know, you know, so do they that want to know. Success never hides itself, only people do, to avoid envy from others who don’t. We are in a wicked world; the same mouth that praises you, could be planning against you. Yet, you must keep going; for evil must co-exist with good. Once in a while, it is good to disappoint people that feel entitled around you; that’s how you find out their true characters. People tend to throw trillions of good times away, for one tiny moment that went bad. Till you upset people, you may never find out their set-ups.
Life is not fair, neither is justice just. What you seek may evade you at the time you seek it most, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t avail at its own time; be patient with your process. If you dice and despair because of unfulfilled desire, you drown your determination at the same time. Know and note this in your mind: Nobody motivates you more than you. Pray that you don’t become a prey to your predator self. People kill themselves because they don’t believe in themselves. Of course, it is frustrating to fail; but you were not the first, neither will you be the last. Why then do you change yourself, over something that you can’t change? Life is short, yet you have time to be unhappy. Be happy, it could be better or worse; but you can be better and not worse. Keep your genuine spirit alive, and smile through the struggle, for even suffering has expiring time. Nothing lasts forever, neither do you. So, do your best and leave the rest to rest.
Selfishness is not self-care. Kindness is not only for your kindreds. Love is not only for your loved ones. It is possible that you are yet to meet who will help you later in life, just as it is impossible to believe that you have helped all who needs your help. Moreover, nobody can help everybody. You can only help the much that you can, to the best of your abilities; then leave the rest to others and God. Don’t overwork yourself, anyone can survive without you. It is funny how the drama of life plays out… While you are there, you may make the mistake of thinking that they can’t do without you; till you’re gone, and you find out that they have forgotten you. It is never about you; other people have their lives to live. When the light shines upon you, you think that you shine the brightest. Success can be suffocating, because when you get one, you seek another; too much is never enough. Nobody wants the light to shit from them, so they keep doing more, to keep the light shinning always. Check this out: The celebrity you want to be like, doesn’t get enough rest like you do. They’re always up and doing, so that you never stop adoring them. Consequently, many celebrities fade as light fades; while the celebration never fade. When it is not about you, it is about someone else; deal with it. With or without you, life goes on. Hence, if you stop rolling the dice; the dice will keep rolling in courtesy of those who are still playing. If you leave the game, the game leaves you; only memories live on.
Dearly Beloved, roll the dice with faith; for you also control your fate. What is spiritual is also physical; if you don’t see it, it is because you don’t seek it. The masters of the universe are not scared of mysteries nor magics, for their minds are structured to see above and beyond. What is a miracle, if not a myth that manifested itself? Believe that you can do it, and see yourself doing it. Many do not truly believe in themselves, neither do they believe in others. Never let hypocrites hypnotize you, for you are stronger than all the struggles that come your way. Nevertheless, that they cannot do it, doesn’t mean that you cannot do it. Till you try it and be tired of trying, never fail to try your best. Faith and fate are twin sides of the same coin; but you must throw it up, to find out. Never you go down on your knees in defeat, unless you want to pray to God. Roll the dice once more, again and again; never stop rolling the dice till you die…
X: @Victorviri
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