Dark Mode
  • Friday, 18 October 2024


Mirror, Mirror, Mirror!

Can you see or are you just looking?

Can you see yourself for yourself?

Look deeper and farther, who or what do you see?

Matters in the mirror are closer than they seem!

Look at me as I look at you, for there are things I want to see in you. I want to see in you, the things I want to see in me. Face to face, I stand before you. I can see my face and the things behind me, but I also want to see my heart and the things beyond me. I am not asking for much, even though I want to know much about myself. I want to see images of my imagination. If you can remember it, you can reflect it. Open your eyes let me see.

Mirror, mirror, mirror; I can see you for what you are, but you can’t see me for who I am. Are you busy or are you blind? We’re not apart from each other; yet, you can’t see me. Yes, I see my face, but I can’t see what I face. My heart is bleeding, but you won’t believe me. If only you can see beyond my physical body, you will help heal my mind and soul. Naked I stood before you, hoping that you remembered me, but you didn’t.

I have to stare at my soul, before I can be free. I see me, but I am looking for the real me. You stare back at me, but still can’t reflect my thoughts. Show me the meaning of being me. Will I get better or will I get bigger? Show me, show me, show me; show me my soul. Give me a picture to picture, for you’re my reflection. Reflect my mind to me. Show me my feelings and my fears, for I am scared of not knowing what tomorrow holds.

Mirror, mirror, mirror; can I take you with me to my dream? As long as I can hold my breath, I can do my best. Am I only human? Am I also a god? I may be both, for I see myself as a human and a god. You don’t see it, because you don’t know it. A blind mirror is a blind mind. You can only see further, if you think further. Yes, you can be ahead of yourself. I said it because I have seen it. I say how I feel, so that you can feel yourself too.

I stare at emptiness, whenever I feel emptiness. But there are things that I feel, yet I can’t see them. You don’t show me everything, even though you know that I want to see everything. Is this the same with everyone? If I feel something, I want to see it. Show it to me, let me touch it. I can sense dangers, but I can’t see them. How bad is it to be blind? Can the blind dream? If the blind dreams, what’s there to see? A dark dream?

“Omnia bona bonis – To the good all things are good”. Do you believe beloved? Is it possible to be suffering and smiling? Yes, some people still smile amidst suffering; for honour has its burdens. A sad face doesn’t end suffering, instead it worsens the pains; while a smile is a good medicine for soothing pains. Look at yourself in the mirror. Who you see is who you are, and whatever you see is what you are. Mirrors don’t lie. Never!

Close your eyes and look at the mirror with your mind, for the mirror sees only what your eyes can see. Mirrors can only see as far as you can see. If you see nothing, it sees nothing. Think further, for you can only see as far as you think. If you think nothing, you see nothing. Close your eyes and think, for your sight limits your foresight. Beloved, see with your mind, and the mirror shall mirror what you see. A blind mirror is blind mind.

Dearly beloved, dive deeper into your mind. Blind people don’t look at mirrors, but mirrors look at them. The blind sees with the mind, because the mind sees everything that the mirror can’t see. With the mind, the blind can dream, because imagination is power. What’s the essence of a dream, if it can be remembered? What’s your essence, if you can’t be remembered. Nonetheless, nothing matters, except what matters to you.


X: @Victorviri


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    Panda 10 months ago

    Nice one bro keep it up 💪💪


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